Thursday, January 21, 2010

Face Up in the Gutter

At least three times a week I try to go running with Kayla at six in the morning. Today was no different. However, I did have an accident while leaving the Smithfield House. We were just minding our business when this sneaky little one centimeter ledge between a dirt plot and the sidewalk tripped me. And I know I look light as a feather, but I crashed hard. I ended up in the gutter, as the line from "Bells are Ringing" about how Dean Martin is going to end up laying face down in the gutter because his life was going down the drain fast, was running through my head. Though I only scraped up my palms and my knee, I finished the run. I can't wait until Saturday where I'll be playing soccer and my knee will be showing. It's the new technique to scare the opponents. It shows how fearsome I am (they don't need to know how I got it...).

My second news are not so bad, on the contrary it's fabulous! It was my first batch. I hope to perfect the oven so the bottoms won't be that burnt. Silly gas stove. Aren't they beautiful?


  1. yowzer, sounds painful, dana! good thing you have your sourbread to comfort you! ;)

  2. I'm drooling over those biscuits!

  3. As you should. They are delicious. You should start making them too! I'm sure Jacob and Rachel would love to have a reason to eat jelly.
