Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Remember me?

To make up for my lack of writing, I'll give a little overview.
I've been called to serve in the Minnesota Minneapolis Mission speaking English. I go into the MTC on June 1st. I'm really excited!
Tomorrow, I'll be flying home for the weekend. I'll be going through the Mesa Temple to receive my endowments. Now I'm scared. Scared for the unkown.
I got my first A on a test since being up here at BYU. It was on my Petrology Test, and I even got an email from my professor telling me that I did a good job and thanked me for my participation in class. I actually like my igneous and metamorphic petrology class. It's really interesting.
This weekend I'll also be running 20 miles to prepare me for my marathon that i'll be running on the 16 of April up in Salt Lake City. Yes, I know I'm crazy.
In two weekends I'll be missing my best friends bridal shower that I'm putting on just so I can go on my Petrology fieldtrip from 8am to 10pm. She is going to get married on April 29th in the Saint George Temple and then a reception in Las Vegas.
Basically, all my weekends in April are gone.
One last note for that Special someone who encouraged me to write tonight, I'm not going on my mission because I've met my future husband.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Those that have the desire to serve God, are called to do the work.

My papers went in this last Monday (February 7). I am supposed to know where I will be serving in about a week and a half or in just six days. It is highly doubtful that I will be able to get my application in the stack that the General Authorities will go through today, but there is still a chance. My Stake President said that I could call him on Monday so he can check on what my application is doing (whether it is in transit (Mail) or still needs to be decided). So I'm elated! I can't wait to find out where I will be for the next year and a half. I wrote that I'm available half way through May...
I've been spreading the word up here at BYU to all my friends/acquaintances. One of the most annoying questions that has been brought up about 97% of the time is "So where do you want to go?" I hate this question. I want to go where the Lord sends me, not somewhere that is pretty or has nice weather. If my call sends me to Mongolia (The most extreme place on Earth in my opinion; both hot and cold) then I will love that country. Sure, going somewhere like Hawaii, would be fun, but I want to focus more on spreading the word than looking out at the ocean. I've always wanted to travel (In America and out). I looked into the Young Ambassadors program that was going to China. I always looked through the study abroad catalog that my Mother (a HS teacher) would get in the mail. I'd plan out my trips, to sight see, to experience, to be cultured. One of these days, I will go, but not in the next two years. And so, please do not ask me where I want or don't want to go. You will get a sarcastic comment back if you do.
With that said, Where do you think I will go? I do not have any language experience except English and I do not currently have a passport.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Public Decency

On Thursday, I had the joy of watching a couple cling to each other while I was trying to muck my way through reading a rather boring section of my Natural Hazards book online. They were positioned so that I could only see the boy but the girl was sitting next to him. This also happened to be exactly inline with my computer screen; I just had to lift my eyes to witness the scene. Even worse, I didn't even have to look at them to know what they were doing sometimes. Occasionally, as I glared at the inconsiderate couple, the girl would look up at me and I would look away quickly. It was just too awkward. Here I am reading text that is hard to understand in my dense mind and these two are all over each other. (Okay, not exactly all over, but they weren't studying much. Enough to annoy but not enough to kick them out.) Finally, after an hour of this (not much homework was done), the girl I suppose had to go to class. It took about five minutes to say goodbye, and she clung to him like an ape to a banana or like there was no tomorrow. For heaven sakes! They probably see each other for 6+ hours at night. Heaven forbid that they should be apart for an hour or two. I almost barfed with this display. Some might say I'm jealous, I don't think so, but if I was, I know for a fact I would not be this sappy in public AND in a designated study area. Here's some advice, find some dark corner away from students gaining knowledge and "study" there with your significant other. By the way, you disgust me.
Oh and if you wanted to know, I passed all my classes last semester. Hallelujah! I may have scraped through Calculus (Bombed my final) and Mineralogy (just above average final), but I've come to realized that there has to be average people to make the special kids look good. I have a purpose in this world (this is not a pity statement). Have a great day!