Friday, January 8, 2010

"Doom on you." (well me)

My first week, and I already know I'll be a social recluse this semester. If I wasn't doing homework for my 4 classes, I was in classes. And if I wasn't in class, then I was working. And if I wasn't doing those, then I was either sleeping, running, or eating (in that order of importance). I've made a commitment with Kris to run a half marathon, and that is why I wake up at 5:38 every morning, to go running with Kayla, Zach, and some times Tanis. then two hours to do some homework and get ready for the day. Then three hours of classes, three plus hours of work, and then six plus hours of homework,and finally and hopefully in bed by 10 to start my next day. Welcome to the REAL College Life. So I pose this question, how do people have time to meet someone, date, and get married? It seems impossible. Simply blows my mind. But then of course, I've come to find out that I'm not very bright. I can not have deep intellectual conversations with people, and in my RM Book of Mormon class I feel lost, the entire discussion just seems to roll off my brain without being absorbed. So maybe it's a good thing I'm not being social in my stupid state.

Last night I was over at Kayla's to use some super glue for my finger (I purposely put super glue on my hand this time!) and Kim, her room room-mate, told me to open my hands face up. "You're pinkies are weird!" apparently my poor pinkies are deformed. I'll let you be the judge though.

And to prove that I'm not so good at baking, this is my first potato cake. After calling Mom about three or four times, it was just tolerable. The cake it self was a tad dry, but the icing made up for that. I think I spent about 30 minutes just scooping the icing off the plate so it wouldn't over flow. After a day or two, it finally hardened, thankfully. The area was a mess too. You can just barely understand the amount of disoray that occured during this eventful incident. But with some milk (melk), I think it was delicious(ish).

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