Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Remember me?

To make up for my lack of writing, I'll give a little overview.
I've been called to serve in the Minnesota Minneapolis Mission speaking English. I go into the MTC on June 1st. I'm really excited!
Tomorrow, I'll be flying home for the weekend. I'll be going through the Mesa Temple to receive my endowments. Now I'm scared. Scared for the unkown.
I got my first A on a test since being up here at BYU. It was on my Petrology Test, and I even got an email from my professor telling me that I did a good job and thanked me for my participation in class. I actually like my igneous and metamorphic petrology class. It's really interesting.
This weekend I'll also be running 20 miles to prepare me for my marathon that i'll be running on the 16 of April up in Salt Lake City. Yes, I know I'm crazy.
In two weekends I'll be missing my best friends bridal shower that I'm putting on just so I can go on my Petrology fieldtrip from 8am to 10pm. She is going to get married on April 29th in the Saint George Temple and then a reception in Las Vegas.
Basically, all my weekends in April are gone.
One last note for that Special someone who encouraged me to write tonight, I'm not going on my mission because I've met my future husband.


  1. June 1st will be here before you know it. Enjoy your time at home. Say hi to your family for us.
    WHAT!!! You are not going on a mission after all??? Is it the guy that you brought over to our house for dinner? Did he propose? He seems like a great guy, so if you ask me, go for it. Congratulations Dana. I'm so happy for you.

    Travel safely.

    Love you. M

  2. I wanted to ask you what process you went through to tell Salt Lake that you weren't going. I am in the exact same boat and had already received my call to El Salvador, but now things are a bit different. I met my future husband in my ward and now I'm not sure what needs to be done because they don't really make that part very clear.
    Fellow Geologist
