Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dead Duck

I love Provo. There are two types of people here. Those that patiently check both ways before crossing the street, and those that just stride across without considering vehicles. I am one of those people that will wait patiently until cars stop. This does not mean I am shy and lurk in the shadows waiting until no one is coming. I stand on the side of the road, some feet from the lane, and demand people to stop. Sometimes cars stop instantly, others just keep driving, ignoring my plea to cross.
As I was walking home today, I came upon 8th N by the Duck Pond stairs. These stairs are probably the most centrally located stairs along the BYU southern border, that has a parking lot at the bottom, basically there is a ton of foot traffic. As I stopped by the edge of the road, my usual length away from on coming traffic, I politely waited for the cars to pass. I was planning on which break in the cars that I would use to get to the other side, when this girl (I don't know if she had earphones in or not), just strutted pass me and made a car break suddenly just so they wouldn't hit this dense person. I see this quite often, and I'm always pro-pedestrian, but walking dumbly into traffic, demanding cars to stop with that technique, is really stupid. And if this girl had been hit by that on coming car, I probably would have laughed...and then called 911. But she would have deserved it. There is no way, her 5'7" build could stop an SUV made of fiberglass and metal from running into her. It's not like Provo has the safest drivers either. It's a shmorgishborg of every states worst drivers in one city... chaos. And to top it off it was starting to rain. wet roads+splotchy windshield+retarded pedestrians=someones gonna get hurt.


  1. thank you for not being one of those dumb people! I might have to disown you.

  2. That is the same spot where I got a ticket by not letting the pedestrian cross the road. If you step on the road and the car doesn't stop and there is a cop car, for sure the driver will get a ticket. You may want to consider this next time. Just stick it to the drivers...

    And then onto the spelling lesson...the word is smorgasbord or in real Swedish smörgåsbord. Thought you should know now that you are in college and all, and when your ancestry comes partially from Sweden or at least close-by.
