Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June 30th

Today, I decided to take Becky Creason's advice and went on a walk, to explore Provo (within walking distance of course). So my journey took me down University Ave. (south) East on Center and then north on 3rd E. All in all it was a nice day (a little warm, but not hot). Here are some of the pictures I took.

This is the tunnel that is on University Ave. They are building a new high rise which means the sidewalk is unusable, so this is where I walked.

This old sign is on Center St. It says "5 cent cigar".

An office building set up all these flags on their lawn (not all of them, I saw some still bundled together and leaning on the building. But it was pretty impressive to see. Everyone is getting ready for the fourth of July.

One place that I didn't take a picture of was this printing museum. It closed at 2, so I wasn't able to get inside. But one of these days I will go. It looks interesting.

Next is this house on 3rd E. I just liked it because of the architecture and the plants. The bird bath helped too.

Finally, this is for Jeff, but I guess there are two cherry tree's growing on 3rd E. I was pretty amazed since I have never seen cherry trees, not to mention ones that aren't apart of orchards.


  1. Were those really cherries? Did you pick some? Looks like a good trip there is a house on East Center that Janessa and I Love. See if you can figure out which one.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You know, Casa Grande probably has some old brick buildings with 5 cent cigars on it (or maybe 50 pesos). I wonder if we could find them. Maybe not though. They might have all been painted Ethereal Blue or Passion Pink.
