Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June 30th

Today, I decided to take Becky Creason's advice and went on a walk, to explore Provo (within walking distance of course). So my journey took me down University Ave. (south) East on Center and then north on 3rd E. All in all it was a nice day (a little warm, but not hot). Here are some of the pictures I took.

This is the tunnel that is on University Ave. They are building a new high rise which means the sidewalk is unusable, so this is where I walked.

This old sign is on Center St. It says "5 cent cigar".

An office building set up all these flags on their lawn (not all of them, I saw some still bundled together and leaning on the building. But it was pretty impressive to see. Everyone is getting ready for the fourth of July.

One place that I didn't take a picture of was this printing museum. It closed at 2, so I wasn't able to get inside. But one of these days I will go. It looks interesting.

Next is this house on 3rd E. I just liked it because of the architecture and the plants. The bird bath helped too.

Finally, this is for Jeff, but I guess there are two cherry tree's growing on 3rd E. I was pretty amazed since I have never seen cherry trees, not to mention ones that aren't apart of orchards.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Work...not yet

Thank you to everyone that is answering my question about job searching and applying etiquette. I know I sound down, which I am, but I understand it will take time. Just how much time?
I let two pass by, one was a delivery truck driver. It only would allow for 15 hours at 7.25 pay (which is not bad, it's the time clock that I let it go). The other is a donut cake froster. This one would be perfect. But it is only for 9 hours which is pretty pointless. I might as well give massages for five minutes at two dollars a pop; three for ten minutes. But I don't think they allow side businesses in apartments. Or I could be a consultant for Mary Kay or something. Oy! I'm just getting a little bored being attached to my laptop 20/7 just waiting to see if any new jobs open up.

My new best friend

This is the new addition to my room. I am actually sitting right in front of it right now. It's blissful. Ahhh... Jeff was able to give me a ride to Wally World where I was able to get this box fan for 15 dollars. And I am loving it! Who needs boys when you've got a fan? Just kidding. I mean it would be weird if I tried to get married to a fan... I'd get strange looks.
My roommate also appriciates this new friend. She walked in after class and said, "Wow! it's way cooler in here. Thanks for buying a fan Dana." Okay so maybe she didn't say that word for word, but it was close.