Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I Spy...

I am one of those people that hates being woken up by a loud extremely annoying alarm, because I am able to wake up by the smallest sounds (usually). I believe I have my father to acknowledge for this gift since every Saturday morning, he would come by our door and loudy say "It's time to get up! Day lights a wastin!". And I hated it. Even worse is my brother, who for the likes of him, cannot get up unless an airhorn is used. My dad frequently has to go and use the above saying every ten minutes. And to put it into perspective, my room is just down a 5 foot hall from my brother's room and even if both our doors are shut, I can still hear his alarm go off every morning. He doesn't wake up to it, but I do. If he doesn't shut it off quickly, I jump out of bed and wake him up.
So instead of using an alarm clock, I use my phone, because I can fluctuate the sound limit. It is located right next to my pillow, and I have not once had a problem of loosing it during the night, till last night.
I set my alarm, and placed it in it's usual spot and fell asleep. There were three alarms, one for 5, 5:30, and 6:15. It's not unusual for me to not remember the first two, since I only need to go running at that time. However, my mental clock, still wakes me up at 6:30-6:45 most mornings, thankfully. But today I woke up at 6:14 and glanced at where my phone should have been. But it was gone. I checked my bed to make sure it didn't slide under my pillow or blanket. But to no ado. So I waited until 6:30 which was when Kayla woke up and we both searched under my bed, which means we lifted the bed and looked in every nook and cranny. But still no cell phone. Well, it was getting late and I needed to take a shower.
What doesn't belong?
I'm about to go in when Kayla opens the fridge to get breakfast and she tells me that she found it. Some how and for some reason, my cell phone was in the fridge. It's been a long time since I slept walked, but last night, I guess I did it again. It was so strange, and we both laughed at where it was found.
What a great way to start off your day.

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