Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I Spy...

I am one of those people that hates being woken up by a loud extremely annoying alarm, because I am able to wake up by the smallest sounds (usually). I believe I have my father to acknowledge for this gift since every Saturday morning, he would come by our door and loudy say "It's time to get up! Day lights a wastin!". And I hated it. Even worse is my brother, who for the likes of him, cannot get up unless an airhorn is used. My dad frequently has to go and use the above saying every ten minutes. And to put it into perspective, my room is just down a 5 foot hall from my brother's room and even if both our doors are shut, I can still hear his alarm go off every morning. He doesn't wake up to it, but I do. If he doesn't shut it off quickly, I jump out of bed and wake him up.
So instead of using an alarm clock, I use my phone, because I can fluctuate the sound limit. It is located right next to my pillow, and I have not once had a problem of loosing it during the night, till last night.
I set my alarm, and placed it in it's usual spot and fell asleep. There were three alarms, one for 5, 5:30, and 6:15. It's not unusual for me to not remember the first two, since I only need to go running at that time. However, my mental clock, still wakes me up at 6:30-6:45 most mornings, thankfully. But today I woke up at 6:14 and glanced at where my phone should have been. But it was gone. I checked my bed to make sure it didn't slide under my pillow or blanket. But to no ado. So I waited until 6:30 which was when Kayla woke up and we both searched under my bed, which means we lifted the bed and looked in every nook and cranny. But still no cell phone. Well, it was getting late and I needed to take a shower.
What doesn't belong?
I'm about to go in when Kayla opens the fridge to get breakfast and she tells me that she found it. Some how and for some reason, my cell phone was in the fridge. It's been a long time since I slept walked, but last night, I guess I did it again. It was so strange, and we both laughed at where it was found.
What a great way to start off your day.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Not Another Prank War...

Oh yes, this mischievous Provo girl has found a kindred spirit and has put that to work. You may ask what have I been doing these past two months. And I'd answer easily, nothing except for failing my first class, working, and finding joy in drawing "grotesque" clowns that disturb Glen Haven 3 aka "the gentlemen" (though I believe this title to be incorrect).
I'll start from the beginning since that is where most people like to start. Some Saturday in May (can't remember the exact date, I think Kayla does though) it was late that night, and I had the idea to draw a clown... and put it up by the gentlemen's window so when they awoke the next morning they would be scared silly. Well, Kayla layed down and let me trace her womanly outline on to some butcher paper. Let me tell you, she is one ticklish person. My pencil had to keep a one inch buffer from her body to keep her from jumping. We then proceeded to color it...with crayons. This is a major accomplishment since it was 11 pm and it was human sized...It took F.O.R.E.V.E.R. to color. Around 3 am we went and put it up by the gentlemen's door since it needed to be propped up. At church that day, we barely talked about it, but as payment, A., one of the gentlemen, gave me the opportunity to give the opening prayer for saying hi to him that day...I believe there was another underlining reason.
Kayla and I, the Dolly Did-its, waited on pins and needles till one Saturday morning a week later, Kayla ran back into our room and woke me up at 6 am and said "they finally did it!" So we ran to the door and looked through the peep hole (since that became our daily routine as a precaution). One of the gentlemen, B., is a mechanical engineer, so they rigged our clown "Shawn" to hang from the balcony above us and had a string tied to our doorknob with the other end tied to a potato. Sadly enough, the prank malfunctioned and the clown was already down. Supposedly the clown would be knocked off the balcony by the potato-on-a-string and would then swing and surprise us. Too bad, but we enjoyed it none-the-less.
And so it was the Dolly Did-its turn. We knew that their front window can't close, so getting into the apartment was no problem. So the next Saturday, I went and bought 5 ten pound bags of Idaho potatoes from Smiths. Needless to say, the check-out man was suspicious. We bent the truth and said they were for our roommate that loved to eat potatoes. I had to look down the entire time because I was smiling. I'm a horrible liar. We kept them in my trunk till Monday night. Our plan was to wait till two of the gentlemen went to FHE like good little boys, and then we would enter and dispose of the starchy roots all over their floors and steal all their spoons; measuring, regular, serving, wooden, even slotted were stolen. Everything went well, until we found out that we missed 2 spoons, and they even had the Ward's Activity supply of plastic spoons. Oh well, it was in the thought. So we hung the spoons from our ceiling, which turned into bombs during the first two days because the tape wasn't strong enough. We still had enough spoons that I also made a homemade wind chime, which I'm rather proud of, perfectly balanced and everything, but sadly enough, there are no pictures, just our memories. So one of the gentlemen, S., forced his way in and took all of their spoons, since Kayla almost cracked and wanted to return them with no charge...wimp.
Now it was our turn to wait... and we did... and even beyond...An entire month lapsed until one night after our FHE we found some potatoes on our door step, but nothing else..."Well that was lame." were both our thoughts. But we expected worse to come. and it did. That Wednesday, we saw S. in our courtyard, which never happens, so we knew something was going to happen that night, but we couldn't do anything about it because we were going to Institute, like good little Mormon girls. Whatever happens, happens, right?
Apparently during the middle of Institute, one of the gentlemen, B., got up and left for about 20 minutes. Afterwards, he said he needed to go print something off for us, so we waited. Which turned out to be "The Ultimatum". A legal document that we, the Dolly Did-its must sign or else this war is going to get worse. It outlined all that we have done and the list of things we must do to stop from the escalation of pranks. Basically, we refused but laughed our heads off amid our fellow institute-goers. We drove home, quickly, but of course safely, to check out the damage. But sadly enough, one of our roommates got home before us, and had put the house back to order somewhat. But this is the list of "damages":
-kitchen table upside down
-poppers (the kind you pull the string and out comes streamers) booby-trapped to our drawers in our kitchen and bed room and the to the fridge
-all the lights were twisted off, even our fluorescent kitchen lights.
-three clocks hidden in our bedroom set to go off at 1 am, 2:45 am, and 4:30 am (luckily we found the last one, which was in a vent)
-our bedroom door off it's hinges, and they hid our pins somewhere in the kitchen
-switched our cold and hot water for our kitchen sink
AND -stole one shoe from every pair that we own (luckily, we had a good pair for work the next day, since neither of us can wear open toed shoes)
Basically, both of us stayed up late, laughing over all that they did. We were content by their prank. The only problem, How did they get in to our apartment? they say no one else can get in by their way and they did not enter through a window...I am at a loss.
Everything was put into order, except for our shoes, but Kayla's some important ones were in the front room so they survived the raid, and I could live without mine, but it's nice to have them back. So on Thursday, I baked cookies, and bribed every apartment that had our shoes, a total of 9 apartments, so I wouldn't have to say the magical words "All hail Glen Haven 3"which is a lie and I am not a liar. And I didn't, not once. Which means, bribery works...
Now the balls in our court and we are plotting up a doozy. I can't wait.
By the way, if you want a more detailed account of the pranks, Kayla was very particular on her blog which is She even has pictures, which I am sorry about the full text. But it's been a long time since I blogged last.